Friday, September 28, 2012

Changing Compilation Directory on Visual Studio

Changing Compile Directory on Visual Studio 2010

Visual Studio has problems working on networked drives and is something that can't be fixed. If you run into unknown errors at compile time it may be something to do with this. A workaround is to setup the build directories in the C drive. Picking up from the last blog (Visual Studio at UoM) we can change the directories as follows.

First, right click on the project name in the left hand menu and select "Properties".

Then you should see the properties dialog open.

Now select "Configuration Properties" -> "General" from the left hand bar you should see options to change the output directory and intermediate directory. We wish to replace the text in both of these boxes with the following


you can simple copy and paste the text over. When you are finished the properties should look like

Accept the changes and try to rerun your code. Hopefully everything works now!

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